8:55 | Welcome and Introductions | |
9:00 | The Giant Magellan Telescope and Novel Ideas in Observatory Software and Controls Architecture | Rafael Millan-Gabet and Marianne Cox |
9:30 | Building Your Drone Army | Ben Rusholme |
9:50 | A Science Platform Network to Facilitate Astrophysics in the 2020s | Vandana Desai |
10:05 | State of ISG engineering | Dave Flynn |
10:20 | Popup: Confluence keyboard shortcuts | Wendy Burt |
10:25 | Coffee Break | |
10:40 | Seismic Waveform Data hosted in AWS | Ellen Yu |
11:00 | NED gravitational wave followup service to LIGO GW alerts | David Cook |
11:20 | Montage and HIPS and discovering the Loch Ness Monster | Bruce Berriman |
11:40 | SphereX at IPAC | Rachel Akeson |
11:55 | Popup: Spitzer Publications: Choose your own Adventure | Elena Scire |
12:00 | Lunch | |
13:30 | Gravitational-wave astronomy: History and prospects | Yanbei Chen |
14:00 | IRSA Under the Hood: a peek at the organization of systems behind a petabyte scale science archive | Steve Groom |
14:20 | Firefly and Python- new ways to visualize data on the web | Trey Roby |
14:40 | Integrating Plotly charts into Firefly visualization system | Tatiana Goldina |
14:55 | Popup: Turn your Jupyter notebook into a deployable dashboard | David Shupe |
15:05 | Coffee Break | |
15:20 | IMSS: Future Directions | Jin Chang |
15:50 | Model-based algorithm for high-contrast imaging with JWST | Marie Ygouf |
16:05 | Machine Learning in Production: Classifying Literature for inclusion in NED | Rick Ebert |
16:25 | Pacific Research Platform (high speed network) | Doug White |
16:40 | The Latest Features in IRSA Tools from a User's Perspective | Luisa Rebull |
16:55 | Popup: using Canva to design and print simple graphic design assets, like fliers, posters, and social media posts. | Marcy Harbut |
17:00 | Wrap-up, Acknowledgements | |